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A Closer Look at Dental Practice Management, How Does it Help My Patients?

March 16, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — nextlevel @ 4:23 pm

a dentist and her assistant chattingIn the ever-evolving healthcare industry landscape, dental practices are among a large group that’s increasingly turning toward technology to enhance their operations and improve patient care. One of the most important technological advancements that they utilize involves practice management systems, which are designed to streamline and simplify things to an impressive degree. Continue reading below to learn a little more about dental practice management systems and how they can greatly benefit both dentists and their patients!


Why Practice Management for Dental Offices?

March 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — nextlevel @ 9:49 pm

In the world of dentistry, running a successful practice requires much more than providing life-changing dental care. Like any other business, there are numerous logistical concerns involved, and to keep the ship sailing smoothly, it’s all about finding ways to increase efficiency without making compromises. Continue reading below to learn more about how you can streamline operations within your dental practice and ultimately ensure that you’re managing things successfully and with a purpose!


Strategies to Improve Case Acceptance in Your Dental Practice

February 19, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — nextlevel @ 6:41 pm

dentist talking with patient about case acceptance

#case acceptance #treatment planning #patient care #patient relationship #increase revenue #new technology #patient communication

Strategies to Improve Case Acceptance in Your Dental Practice

As the owner of a dental practice, I acquired a distinct talent for persuading patients to wholeheartedly embrace their treatment plans. While the process of treatment planning was a collaborative effort, it was heavily reliant on the expertise of my associate dentist. Being a non-dentist business owner, I wanted to ensure our patients’ affirmative response to treatment held utmost importance. Continue reading to find out my top strategies to improve case acceptance in your dental practice.

I am sure fellow practice owners can relate to the profound impact of being the one solely responsible for covering all financial aspects. Effective case acceptance serves as the cornerstone of profitability, guaranteeing both the financial stability of the practice and the delivery of exceptional oral healthcare to patients. While case acceptance can be influenced by various factors, implementing well-crafted strategies can significantly elevate the case acceptance rates of your dental practice. In this article, we will explore practical approaches that can empower you to enhance case acceptance and propel the success of your dental practice.


Everything You Need to Know About Becoming a Dental Consultant

January 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — nextlevel @ 6:30 pm

a dental consultant meeting with a dentistIf you’ve been working in dentistry for a while, you might be looking for ways to share your knowledge and expertise with others. There’s perhaps no better way of doing this than by becoming a dental consultant! These experts come from a variety of backgrounds, including both clinical and management roles, and their impact on the industry is undeniably positive and profound. Here’s a brief look at what this profession entails, so that if you’re thinking about joining the field, you’ve got a solid idea of what to expect.


War of the Roses: A Dental Practice’s – Front Office vs. Back Office

October 24, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — nextlevel @ 7:25 pm

Front Office fighting Back OfficeFront office vs. back office at your dental practice – do you have a  tight team or is it totally out of sync? The front office and back office being disconnected in dental practices is an age-old problem. Unfortunately, this is more common than not in most dental practices. 

For some reason–and who knows how this came to be – there is a very clear “line” down the middle of the office. How does this line happen, and what can we do for better flow and communication in your dental practice? It should never feel like a front office vs. back office scenario!

Next Level Consultants are a team of practice management consultants working to help doctors find holes in communication where scheduling is falling flat. Continue reading for the best ways to manage your team when you are faced with this challenging yet common scenario…


7 Strategies for Scheduling Patients and Keeping Them Scheduled

August 28, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — nextlevel @ 5:00 pm

appointment reminder for dental patients

#scheduling #appointments #patients #followup #recare #hygiene

Did you know that the average dentist needs to schedule 24-50 new patients per month to grow consistently?  When it comes to scheduling patients at your practice–and keeping them scheduled–it can feel stressful and difficult. The good news is that there are several simple strategies that you can implement today to help your practice schedule patients and keep them coming in. Try these 7 techniques to help your dental practice thrive and grow.


Navigating Burnout: An Article for Dental Professionals

July 19, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — nextlevel @ 9:27 pm

Identifying Burnout for Yourself and or Your Denal Practice’s Team members

In today’s fast-paced and demanding work environment, dental professionals often find themselves susceptible to burnout. As a dental consultant and leadership coach, I see this happening every single day. The accumulation of responsibilities when running a business can take a toll on your well-being and job satisfaction. There are high expectations to clinically produce, and pressure to keep pace with the ever-evolving challenges in the dental industry. All of this makes your job extremely stressful. 

However, by recognizing that there are signs of burnout and beginning to implement strategies to adapt, cope, and move forward; dentists and practice owners can manage their hardships, regain a sense of fulfillment and balance in their professional lives and personal lives.


Statistic for Employee Burnout in their job

Gallup article, March 13th 2020

Before we dig into how to go about creating a healthier and more productive work-life balance, here are some general burnout statistics I would like to share.

• In a Deloitte survey, 56% of workers say that their managers did not  encourage conversations addressing burnout. 

• 77% say they have experienced employee burnout at their current job, with more than half citing more than one occurrence. 

• In another survey done by Adam Grucela, a published writer on the topic shared; Millennials are the most burned-out generation, with 59% experiencing some symptoms of burnout. (more…)

The Ship Is Sinking… And They’re Taking You Down with It!

May 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — nextlevel @ 8:18 pm

dental practice managementLet’s face it: your team, regardless of the number of team members you have, runs your practice. They drive the success of your business, sell your dentistry, enhance the level of care you provide, and without them, you essentially don’t have a practice. The challenge is that you may be facing an organizational crisis right now without realizing it!


Tips for Keeping Your Dentistry Practice Profitable Even as Inflation Rises

August 1, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — nextlevel @ 11:51 pm

Graphic design of a hand drawing a line representing inflation.Inflation affects everything and everyone—whether it’s the cost of groceries, the price of filling up your car’s tank, or your rent due at the end of the month, life becomes harder when things become more expensive. If costs that seem to continue creeping higher are starting to make you worry about your well-being and the future of your dental practice, don’t fret. Here are some tips for keeping your practice profitable, even as inflation continues to rise.


10 Ways to Increase the Value of Your Dental Practice

July 26, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — nextlevel @ 11:06 pm

Stacks of coins symbolizing dental practice revenueLet’s face it—increasing the value of your dental practice isn’t a straightforward or easy task, but certainly one that you’ll want to be working on throughout your career. Here are 10 ways to help you increase the value of your practice so you can set yourself up for long-term financial success and a sweet retirement.


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